Rinaldo Invernizzi
(b.1962, Milan)

Central to Rinaldo Invernizzi’s work as a painter is the process of working in series that are dedicated to themes. His research pursues the contemplative aspect of landscape and vanitas in a continuous search for the divine. The sequential aspect of his work also determines his approach to working with glass.
Since the early 2000s, he has participated in group and solo exhibitions in academic and religious institutions, most notably ‘Omaggio alla Cappella Portinari. Rinaldo Invernizzi – Tra storia dell’arte e spiritualità’, Basilica Sant’ Eustorgio, Milan, 2024; ‘La mia prima patria sono stati i libri’, Biblioteca Marciana, Venice, 2023; ‘Smeraldo. Antracite. Cobalto.’, Palazzo Martinengo, Venice, 2022; ‘Du paysage’, Thiré, Pays de la Loire, on the occasion of the annual Music Festival ‘Dans les jardins de William Christie’, 2021; and ‘Paesaggi di Risurrezione’, Galleria Accademia Contemporanea, Milan, 2010.
In 1983 he took a degree in economics and commerce in Lausanne, and in 2012 he obtained a diploma in Contemporary Sacred Art from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. Since 2017, he has been the president and artistic co-director of Barovier&Toso, Venice, a historic Muranese establishment that is the leader in the art of glassblowing and the creation of artistic lighting.